- EN 228 specified method
- Method described by EN 18015, ASTM D8071
- Including 13 oxygenates
- Reliable identification based on distinct UV spectra
- Single column method
- 34 min. analysis time
- Can be combined with ASTM D8267 (same hardware configuration)
- Can be combined with VHA (Verified Hydrocarbon Analysis; improved DHA)
PIONA analysis by GC-VUV
The PIONA VUV analyser from GAS offers complete analysis of paraffins, iso-paraffins, olefins, naphthenes and aromatic components in gasoline-range materials. The PIONA VUV analyser we provide is powerful, multifunctional, and easy to use. Beside PIONA analysis also Jet fuel testing (ASTM D8267), diesel analysis and VHA is offered on the same hardware configuration. Read on to discover more about these devices.
EN 228 specified test method
EN 18015 and ASTM 8071 provide complete PIONA compound class characterisation for European fuel specifications such
as EN 228, as an alternative to ASTM D6839. Spectroscopy Detection (GC-VUV) from VUV Analytics offers relative simple instrumentation and automated analysis software with short runtimes and robust and reliable results.
Reliable and easy to operate PIONA VUV analyser
The PIONA VUV analyser can screen large numbers of gasoline samples like spark ignition fuels, providing fast and precise hydrocarbon characterisation for each carbon number up to C12. The GC-VUV method offers a number of advantages over the often used multidimensional method (like ASTM D6839). The single column analyser delivers full PIONA analysis, it has very stable performance, high uptimes and low operational costs compared to the multi-dimensional method. It is also known for its easy setup and low maintenance needs.
GAS offers support to improve your results and workflow
GAS helps you improve your efficiency and has developed a wide range of services to support you with the PIONA VUV analyser and other specialised equipment. These services include technical training, application support, demo lab and a variety of courses.
Where to purchase our products?
Our products are available through local Thermo sales offices and through Interscience appointed dealers. Please visit our dealer page or call us at +31(0)765 411 800; our employees are happy to help you find the equipment you need.
GAS – Solutions for Energy, Refinery, Chemical and Environmental markets